But we all like sex, some do it for free others pay for it , some even rape cos they dont have money to pay for it maybe, but why is some people so bothered about it. I think sex is good and no one should be upset that some people pay for it. If u want you also can pay and have sex
everyone say we are 100% muslim country and it should not be allowed. we are 100%bullshit country. All we have is drug addicts fake vahhaabees mentally retarded people greedy politicians badi group etc... just stop pretending to be very religious people and being fake. If i am president i will have naasige legal and anyone can have sex anywhere. It is good for health and everyone benifit from it. Next time you can vote for me.
check this links.
one day you will become old and you will come to know what is advantage of having illegal sex.
check this link about BLING BLING WHORE
wat is the meaning of vahhaabees? u won't know so don't talk about it. ask someone who know that.
buddy u will one day die and go to the doom.
then, let us have sex togahter