Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Gafaru windfarm - 75megawhat?? Dont get excited, people!
I honestly don’t understand how we could be so easily fooled into singing praise to our leaders. Just have a look at the comments on the article on Haveeru. I, Zaeem Tubbs hereby tell all my fellow Maldivians not to get turned on so easily. Only one commentator has really thought about this. He says there is no wind to harness that kind of power in the central Maldives. For God’s sake we are in the doldrums.
I also want to as a few questions about this project.
1. Who is funding this project? What are the terms and conditions?
2. Just like in the case of all the other ‘mega projects’ there is a lot of name throwing ( Boskalis never was into building Gulhifalhu. It was some Srilankan middleman named Raj). Now some people like Minivannews are very keen to throw names “GE Energy, a US$30 billion company, will carry out a feasibility study and build the wind farm on a coral reef in Gaafaru in North Male’ atoll” very very sexy, indeed! For God’s sake GE isn’t going to dump 200million dollars on a bloody coral reef.
3. Falcon International? Falcon, who? Is that the investor? My google search gave me 2 companies that have this name. A Singaporean company named Falcon Energy Group and a two man UK company that has the same name. If I, Zaeemu Tubbs, have the brains to figure out that none of these two companies have the capacity to raise 200 million dollars, every Maldivian fisherman’s son and daughter should have the same ability.
4. President Anni unveiled this massive project in front of the media and public. Why didn’t he give any details as to who are the shareholders, what are the sources of funds and what are the terms and conditions that we agreed on?
So, here is my advice to my fellow country men – JUST DON’T GET TO EXCITED!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Anni, Gayoom and Presidential Commissions

This Riyaasee (dhiyaasee??) commission to look into the scandals and corruption cases of the previous commission has been operating for I don’t know how many months now. If anni really wants to seriously look into Gayoom regime’s corruption cases he would have nominated people capable of doing good work to this commission. This Sheikah Hussain Rasheed Ahmed Sheikh aka ring leader of the Adhaalath cult is one of them. And Adduvas man Haseen who flunked his Shariah and law programme at Islamic University Malaysia is the other. And the chairman of this commission is a thug. The two decent members Shabab Rasheed and Idham Muizzu have no voice. Adugadha meehunge thaa rugginavaanee dho.
The only objective of this commission is to make sure that they could continue to warm their chairs so that they could have their fat salaries. For god’s sake its been almost one year. Tell me one case that this commission has investigated and brought before the courts. Its just a lot of talk about nothing - summoning Gayoom; detaining Jangiya’s wife; asking jangiya’s wife to give her underwear odor; grilling moklhi seytu redwave Saleem; and now the talk about some island being given to Champa.
Dont get excited, people! For God’s sake this has got absolutely nothing to do with delivering justice for the common man. This is a bloody sick game being played by ANNI. Who do these politicians think they are trying to fool? This is a sick game of raazuvaa being played by Gayoom anni using the likes of adhalath sheikh, jangiya, adduvas haseen at our cost – you and I are paying for their sick game!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Ministry of Shaheem Ali Saeed criticizing Human Rights Commission?!!?

Monday, October 26, 2009
Adaalath Sheikhs and Fanditha? Sick. fucking sick!

Sunday, August 9, 2009
MP football match
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Fikuree Mudhaa rakkaatheri kurnaee??
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Maldies Drug Lords...2 Down! 4 more to go!
Male match-box rooms not feasible! Singapore firm says for a fee of Rf8.35million
haveeru dot com
johntyrrell.blogspot.com about st. helena. the photo had haveeru.com on it.
how can it be a haveeru foto. it was taken by a photographer named Nick Thorpe and you can see it if you search google for images on maldivia. if you cant take the pictures on your own at least give the credit to the people who does.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
amaa lindh
who the fuck is anna lindh, ok she might be a good person and did many things, i dont know and i dont care, all i know is she is dead.
anyway just becasue anni got an award you dont need to make his head big, if you keep doing this he will become another maumoon, you people are idiots no doubt about that. when do you ever learn you stupid fools.
Former Big Vazeeru
but he did not know our former president maumoon is more best friend with mahaatheer than him. he went personally and meet him and have coffee with him also , maybe some other things alos i dont know,
now he wont come to maldives cos maumoon said dont go there cos now maumoon is not there.
maumoon is best bff with lots of former presidents in the world. our new president nasheed is still very new and dont have many best friends so he should be careful what he say to mahaatheer , he will go and tell maumoon.
Friday, June 5, 2009
MP All-horn Fuck-me says Presidential commission unconstitutional
Ahmed Haleem (engliSh translate: Fair Betel Leaf )media coadinater.
Dhonbileh Ahmed, who is a member of MDP council, is a foamer Victory sports clus star. He paly many years with with Victory Sports Club, Club Valencia and Club Lagoons, Club newRadiyant is the only clud he isnt played. . Mr. etel leaf is was also a member of Maldives national football team. betel leaf will server as loyal mebers he give assurance to MDP, told by Miadhu.
Minikaaraajje site and supporters campaign for donbileh but he lost. Honbileh lost Manchangolhi seat to DRP candidate Fishloof (mahuloof) by slimiest margins. Drp candidate Fishloof is very smart man. mdP cant buy him with stet minister position.
Dhonbileh Ahmed served in the 16 th People’s Majlis as a president Naseed appointment.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Hussin Safeeu for Haa Alif Dhidhoooooo. pls VoTe

Today is friday. therefor I brings to you the handsomest candidat in the rayyithunge majlis candidat. He is Hussin Safeeu (the famous FILM star Yooppe's brother). Hussin is in winning for H.A dhidhdhoo daaira (I thinks he will win becoz very handsome). I thihk if the peoples of Dhidhoo vote 4 him he is defent Democrasy and Champoion Human rights in Maldives. he will foster democrasy. and he will rule by Rule of Low. therefor; pLs vote Hussin for the Haa alis seat.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
AK Abdulla Kamaludeen for Majlis H.A Seat

Rayyithunge thanavas kamah AK? nagoo balhaa miothee vakemeh (Sorry i have to use bad word). but How els can I say this? U tell me if there is a bettr way. This AK (Abdulla Kamaludeen of MA. Everlast) is contesting for Ihavandhoo dhaaira. Subu haanalloahi. And his campain slogan says "Rayyithunge Thanavas kamah" . I dont know what to say. Onest to God.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Vagunootu thiefs, and Criminals to Majlis

Heyo hithun heyo niyatheggai..Muhamma kalo. what heyo hithun? waht niyaiy? niyaiiy is in the asshole. what are these jokers trying to do. they want us to elect them to majlis. They will act as proxies to the rich and earn over 100000 rufiyaa a month. these people are thieves. muhamma was a vagunootu thief. they should be behind bars. in the jail. i may not be an educated man. but I also knows that much.
it's simply not true again
lobuvethi zaeem
The Ogre Waaheedh Campaign Poster is the BEST.

Many kendidates make good posters. But Left side is campain picture of the Ogre Waaheedh is my favorit campain picture becase in the back ground we can see all the things. Islamic Center: reprezent Maldives isalm. Flag: represtnts Maldives national. Key board reprezents : computor and technology. Foot ball: reprezent Maldives game. Which is favrouti. There is Quran hatim with foiy godi (don’t know English name) . then Pen reprezent the Ogre is writer. CD: deprezent technologies. Only one thing is mission. And that’s is something to represent Maldives ppls sex and lustfull . Therefore I want to propose to the Ogre to add this symbol of phallic image (on the right side) to his pictures. Then his poster is full compleet.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Massage parlaa

But we all like sex, some do it for free others pay for it , some even rape cos they dont have money to pay for it maybe, but why is some people so bothered about it. I think sex is good and no one should be upset that some people pay for it. If u want you also can pay and have sex
everyone say we are 100% muslim country and it should not be allowed. we are 100%bullshit country. All we have is drug addicts fake vahhaabees mentally retarded people greedy politicians badi group etc... just stop pretending to be very religious people and being fake. If i am president i will have naasige legal and anyone can have sex anywhere. It is good for health and everyone benifit from it. Next time you can vote for me.
I am more colifiEd then Dhonbleiy AhuMadh!