How nice, Mp's are now doing everything but what they are paid to do. and who bought gasims shirt? maybe villa hotels. and nice picture we have here also. I think thasneems boobs are more beautiful than maria.
Wellcome to MinikaaRaajje. I am Mohamed Fairooz Rasheed (S. Hithadhoo, Goldilocks), an aspiring maldives politican. Im curently reading for P.HD in Political sience at University of Honu-lulu, Hawai, US. Like hassan Saeed and Gasim I also suppotred current president in 2008 presidential erection. But he is not delivering on his promises to the poor Maldivian ppl. So in my small way I want to change this. We got rid of dicktator Qayoum and got another dictater who is only interested in giving public funds to his croneys. So I decided to to run for presidential elections in 2013. Im not a fool. I know I wont get elected. But doesnt matter. Pls support me for a better maldives. If u want contact me or donate money to my campain pls write to Lets change Moldives with Fairooz!